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Our customers come from different industries and countries. Everyone has their needs and problems. We are glad to present you an excerpt of our customers, you may find yourself in one or the other project. Ask us, we look forward to hearing from you!

The University of St. Gallen is a university of economics, law, social sciences and international relations. The University is one of the leading economic universities in Europe.

Established in 1986 and headquartered in Romanshorn Brüggli now is well-known with its active social position. Today there are more than 650 employees in this company. And all of them rely on the data security of which replaced Google search across the enterprise.

Founded in 1939, Pilatus Aircraft Ltd is the only Swiss company to develop, produce and sell aircraft to customers around the world.

The Center for Continuing Vocational Training (ZbW) is an upper secondary school, which is anchored in Eastern Switzerland. It was founded as an association in 1946 at the initiative of industry, commerce and the public sector. Around 450 teachers work for the ZbW in addition to their main occupation.

Since 1955, Open Doors has stood as a non-denominational, international relief organization that works in more than 60 countries worldwide in the service of persecuted Christians.

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